Welcome to the Shop and Café at Crowle

The Shop and Cafe at Crowle  was opened in October 2018 and is a community enterprise – created and owned by the community, run by enthusiastic and committed volunteers who aim to provide a warm welcome to everyone… not just ‘locals’ but all visitors such as walkers, cyclists, tradespeople and others who may be just passing through.

As well as offering exciting local products and ‘convenience’ top-up shopping, the Shop and Café are a focal point for the community – a great place to meet friends and chat.

All this available 6 days a week with free car parking and wi-fi.

A change to The Shop’s Branding

When we set The Shop up over 5 years ago we took a lot of care to develop appropriate visual identity for The Shop. Key elements were:

  • we stated ‘what we did’ – ie a Shop
  • we said where we were located – ie ‘at Crowle’ (ie not just FOR Crowle), and
  • we included the by-line ‘a Community Enterprise’ – ie consistent with being ‘run by and for the local community’.

We have now decided to update our branding to include overt reference to an element of The Shop that has become increasingly important to our enterprise and popular with our customers: the Café. To this end, our logo will in future be changed as above to include ‘& Café’. This will not only give a stronger and clearer message that we have a Cafe as an integral part of The Shop, but allow us to reflect a distinct personality for the Café entity – for example, on Café-specific branding such as menu boards.

The Shop at Crowle Community Fund.”

  •  Are you looking to set up a new Club, Group, or Society and may need some financial support to get it up and running? 
  • Or does your existing Club, Group, or Society require some additional funding to purchase new equipment or fund a new project?

The Shop & Café at Crowle is pleased to invite applications for grants for the funding of local projects from the newly established The Shop at Crowle Community Fund.”

We will consider any proposal which will benefit local people. This includes Crowle residents as well as those from the immediately surrounding villages.

Please contact Helen Kennedy – by email at helenk@theshopatcrowle.co.uk

The deadline for applications is July 31st 2024.


The Shop is situated adjacent to the Village’s main Community Hub and Facilities including the Parish Hall, Playing Field, Playground, Tennis Courts and Bowls Green. Our full address and directions are available at the foot of this page, for further information regarding the other facilities and hire of the excellent Halls please click here.

EV Chargers (3 sockets) are available on the Car Park. Charging can be set up through VendElectric https://app.vendelectric.com/


Opening Hours of the Shop & Cafe*

The Shop:

Opening Hours:-

Monday – Friday: 9.00am to 4.30pm

Saturday: 9.00am to 1.00pm
Sundays/Bank Holidays: Closed


Opening Hours:-

Monday – Friday: 9.00am to 4.15pm

Saturday: 9.00am to 12.45pm
Sundays/Bank Holidays: Closed

*May vary from time to time – please check our Social Media updates or contact us

Join the Volunteer Team and become part of a community success story!

We are always looking for friendly people to join our growing team. Whatever your personal situation or background, there are lots of roles to choose from at The Shop:

  • Serving customers in The Shop
  • Back office’ roles, such as marketing/promotions, accounts, DIY.

Just a few hours a month can make a big difference to the success of The Shop.

To find out more… contact our Shop Manager – details below – or just pop into The Shop.








Services from The Shop

We provide a community notice board, advertising opportunities for local businesses (click here for further details and rates), tickets for local events and accessible toilets for customers.

Your feedback please!

We’d love to hear what you like about the Shop and what you think we could do better or differently. Please speak to any volunteer, or use the suggestions book in the Shop, or contact our Manager as below.